Absolute Truth

“Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews, and saith unto them, I find in Him no fault at all.”

               -John 18:38

We live in a society that constantly attempts to minimize the value of absolute truth. Everything is tolerated except intolerance, and anybody so bold as to think what they’ve found is exclusively right must be wrong altogether. Of course you can believe in God if you’d like, but you’ll still be required to “respect” the beliefs of anybody who doesn’t – even if those beliefs blatantly disrespect your Creator.

By definition, however, the truth can have only one form and is not at all manipulatable. If you bend it, break it, or twist it, you have thus departed from the very essence of what truth is: that which pertains to the way things are. If Jesus is in fact the Son of God, then why should we apologize for believing in Him or feel obligated to respect false beliefs which deny His deity?

“Sanctify them through Thy truth: thy Word is truth.”

              -John 17:17

The truth of God’s Word is universal and not at all dependent upon circumstance. No philosopher, textbook or science teacher has ever been able to prove otherwise. It shouldn’t surprise us, though, to know that a God Who literally is the truth (John. 14:6) would ensure that what He tells us is also absolute.



By the way, for those of you who are enjoying summer break a little too much, here’s an equation for you to work on over the next  few days:

Absolute Truth + X = Absolutely Anything

I’ll reveal the answer in my next post, so stay tuned. ;) 


vanilla said...

Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life.

Nothing anyone has ever said or will ever say will change the Truth.

"Blessed are you when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and say all manner of evil against you for my sake."

ajfcello said...

Great post Dakota! So true!

Russo said...

Beautiful post- I really needed this right now. I gotta say, I missed reading your blog. I've been dealing with dental issues and missed reading your great thoughts. Glad to be back!

gladys said...

just judging from this one post, i love your blog already. keep 'em coming. :)

Denise said...

What a blessing it is to know "the truth", and have the freedom (oh how I am really blessed to have the freedom!) to be thankful, share and rejoice in it! Great post to start my day... :)

Sandra said...

What is so sad to me, is that we are having to fight, just to speak the truth in our own churches now adays. The same churches that say they believe the word of God is truth.

Julie Page said...

Amen...proclaim it! : )
Hebrews 13:8

The Shepherd's Girl? said...

Absolutely true...I find it disturbing the number of people who buy into the notion of relativistic truth. 1+1 can never equal 2, and 3, and 4. Truth from God's word is the same as any fact--not subject to personal opinion.

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