Nathan from over at Whispered Roars was kind enough to award me the True Faith blogging award. To show my gratitude, I would like to pass along this award to a few people who's faith clearly shines through in their blogging.

I Give This Award To:
- Camden at Counter Cultural. His blog, as well as his encouraging comments, have been a blessing to me many times. If you don't already follow him, then let me encourage you to do so. I'm sure you'll be motivated by His Biblically based posts.
- Carissa from Rejoice Always is constantly posting something encouraging, edifying, and thought provoking. If you like to be challenged in your faith, check out her blog!
- Micah Leake has learned how to trust in the Lord in good times as well as in the bad. Check out her blog, Unfading Beauty, if you want to learn to do the same.
Out of the numerous blogs I follow, these are the three I believe to be most deserving of this award. I didn't just randomly pick them; I intentionally selected the ones with authors who I believe to have True Faith. Click the links, follow the blogs and, while you're there there, leave them a comment or two!
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