"Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee."-Psalm 119:11
Unfortunately, many people today seem to think that when you are saved you will suddenly receive wisdom and understanding my some sort of osmosis. And though it would be nice if it happened that way, it does not. Instead of being a book to read everyday, to many people the Bible is only something to turn to when things go wrong, or when it's time for church. In his book, A Call to Die, David Nasser says,
"We Christians, including many who have been believers for several years, are clueless about the truth in the Bible. We can't find Psalms or Matthew, and we think Ruth and Timothy are in a new sit-com. We can't even quote a Bible verse for each year we've been believers. We know the theme songs of television shows and movies and a zillion songs on the radio, but we are biblically illiterate."
Trying to make it to heaven without knowing the Bible is like trying drive across the country without a map, or without looking at roadsigns. It simply cannot be done. God's Word let's us know what He expects out of us, and what we can expect from Him; what to move toward and what to stay away from. Simply put, if we don't know God's Word, then we don't even really know God.
People often complain that memorizing Scripture is "too hard", and while I won't deny that it's hard, I will deny that it is impossible. And, just like anything else we do for the Lord, the reward is well worth the effort.
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