Depending on where you live, snow may or may not be something you get to see very often. Our winters here in Missouri typically consist of several light snows with one or two “heavy” snowfalls (5”-8”) throughout the season, although this year has been exceptionally mild and we’ve only been hit with a few inches thus far. I know a few people who are hoping for that sled-worthy snowfall to come before spring, while I’m personally just thankful I haven’t had to drive in the stuff too much.
Of course anybody who enjoys nature has to admit that snow is the most beautiful form of precipitation God has designed. Sometime when you’re not slipping and sliding on the highways, you should take a few minutes and actually enjoy the beauty of our Lord’s handiwork. There’s something about the resilience of a snow-covered evergreen and the intricacy of each snowflake that reminds me life is about more than the problems I’m facing or the latest news headline. God has surrounded us with untold blessings, and yet I’m often too busy to notice them.
So today let me encourage you to stop and consider the things that truly matter, and then take some time to thank God for them. Watch the sunrise. Build a snowman. Play your guitar under the stars. There are so many things we take for granted, and even more things we just don’t take the time for. Don’t spend your whole life wishing for what you don’t have and thus miss out on what you’ve already been given. After all, the greatest gifts of all come without a price tag.

Photo © 2012, Dakota L.