In “Dug Down Deep: Building Your Life on Truths that Last”, Joshua Harris covers the basics of his Christian faith in 231 easy-to-read pages. Unlike many theological books written for the average believer, Josh is obviously gifted when it comes to getting a complex idea across without dumbing down its message or using so many unfamiliar terms that you don’t understand it. He reminds me somewhat of Max Lucado in his writing style, unafraid to use plain English and even throwing in a fragment or two on occasion.
Orthodoxy, a term introduced early on by Harris, seems to be his goal throughout the book. He introduces his reader to the “established, proven, cherished truths of the faith”1, but little more than that. Topics like justification, redemption, and the Trinity are covered, while controversial issues such as predestination are largely avoided. Honestly, this is probably a good thing since I found myself disagreeing with him on many of the deeper issues he covered. For example:
“These days I find myself less interested in the labels of charismatic and non-charismatic, less interested in arguing about whether there is a distinct “baptism of the Spirit” or only ongoing fillings of the Spirit throughout the Christian’s life, less interested in whether gifts like tongues and prophecy still function today.”
“Personally, I do speak in tongues. And I’ve been encouraged by it…”2
It should go without saying that, if somebody regularly speaks in tongues, they should be very interested in whether or not it is even a gift available to them. Unfortunately chapter nine, entirely about the Holy Spirit, seemed wishy-washy to me and called very few things certain other than that there is indeed a Holy Spirit and raised more questions than it answered. Whether or not this reflects the beliefs of the author or simply his unwillingness to step on any toes I don’t know, but I was certainly disappointed in the lack of certainty he presented on this crucial topic.
Overall, even though this book is one I may someday read again, it’s not something I would recommend to a Christian seeking to establish their beliefs but rather to those already “dug down deep” and able to exercise discernment. If at this point you’re still willing to give it a try, my advice is to head to the library before you head to the bookstore.
My Rating: 3/5 Stars.
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1 Page 14.
2 Page 184.
Disclaimer: I received this book free from the publisher in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review and all expressed opinions are my own.